Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Participants : Fabien Gandon, Hai Huang, Vorakit Vorakitphan, Serena Villata, Elena Cabrio.

ANSWER stands for Advanced aNd Secured Web Experience and seaRch (https://project.inria.fr/answer/). It is a GDN project (Grands Défis du Numérique) from the PIA program (Programme d’Investissements d'Avenir) on Big Data. The project is between four Inria research teams and the Qwant company.

The aim of the ANSWER project is to develop the new version of the Qwant (http://www.qwant.com) search engine by introducing radical innovations in terms of search criteria as well as indexed content and users’ privacy.

The purpose is to strengthen everyone’s confidence in the search engine and increase the effectiveness of Web search. Building trust in the search engine is based on innovations in (1) Security: computer security, privacy; (2) Completeness: completeness and heterogeneity of (re)sources; and (3) Neutrality: analysis, extraction, indexing, and classification of data.

Increasing the effectiveness of Web-based research relies on innovations related to (1) Relevance: variety and value of content taken into account, measurement of emotions carried by query results; (2) Interaction with the user: adaptation of the interfaces to the types of research; and (3) Performance: perceived relevance of results and response time.

The proposed innovations include:

  • Design and develop models and tools for the detection of emotions in query results:

    • Ontology, thesaurus, linguistic resources

    • Metrics, indicators, classification of emotions

  • Design and develop new crawling algorithms:

    • Dynamic crawling strategies

    • Crawlers and indexes for linked open data

  • Ensure respect for privacy:

    • Detection of Internet tracking

    • Preventive display of tracing techniques

    • Certified security of automatic adaptation of ads to keywords entered by the user


Participants : Elena Cabrio, Serena Villata.

The theme of this new project with DGA is counter argumentation against fake news. Its duration is 2018-2020.

Ministry of Culture: MonaLIA 2.0

Participants : Anna Bobasheva, François Raygagne, Fabien Gandon, Frédéric Precioso.

The objective of the MonaLIA 2 project is to exploit the crossover of the automatic learning methods particularly applied to image analysis and knowledge-based representation and reasoning, in particular for the semantic indexing of annotated works and images in JocondeLab. The goal is to identify automated or semi-automatable tasks to improve the annotation. This project follows the preliminary project MonaLIA 1 which established the state of the art in order to evaluate the potential and the combination of learning (notably deep learning) and the semantization of annotations on the case of JocondeLab. In the project MonaLIA 2 we now want to go beyond the preliminary study and to design and build a prototype and the methods assisting the creation, the improvement and the maintenance of the metadata of the image database in order to assist the actors of the cultural world in their daily tasks. The preliminary study identified several possible coupling points between deep learning from non-necessarily structured data and reasoning from structured data. This project proposes to select the most promising of them to carry out a proof of concept combining these methods by focusing on the assistance to the annotation and curation tasks of the metadata of a real base to improve the contents, the course and exploitation thereafter.


Participants : Michel Buffa, Elena Cabrio, Catherine Faron Zucker.

The ANR project WASABI started in January 2017 with IRCAM, Deezer, Radio France and the SME Parisson, consists in building a 2 million songs knowledge base of commercial popular music (rock, pop, etc.) Its originality is the joint use of audio-based music information extraction algorithms, song lyrics analysis algorithms (natural language processing), and the use of the Semantic Web. Web Audio technologies will then explore these bases of musical knowledge by providing innovative applications for composers, musicologists, music schools and sound engineers, music broadcasters and journalists. This project is in its mid-execution and gave birth to many publications in international conferences as well as some mainstream coverage (i.e for “la fête de la Science”). Michel Buffa, national coordinator of this project, presented the project to “Journées Sciences et Musique” in October 2019 in Rennes, and animated a Master Class during the Sophia Summit 2019 event in November 2019. Participation in the ANR OpenMiage project aimed at offering online Bachelor and Master degrees.

Industrial transfer of some of the results of the WASABI project (partnership with AmpedStudio.com/Amp Track company) for integration of our software into theirs), SATT PACA.

Web site: http://wasabihome.i3s.unice.fr


Participants : Catherine Faron Zucker, Olivier Corby, Fabien Gandon, Alain Giboin, Andrea Tettamanzi.

Partners: Université Grenoble Alpes, Inria, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Viseo, Theia.

SIDES 3.0 is an ANR project (2017-2020) which started in fall 2017. It is led by Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) and its general objective is to introduce semantics within the existing SIDES educational platform (http://side-sante.org/) for medicine students, in order to provide them with added value educational services.

Web site: https://www.uness.fr/anr/projets/dune/sides3.0


Participants : Olivier Corby, Catherine Faron Zucker, Franck Michel.


D2KAB is an ANR project which started in June 2019, led by the LIRMM laboratory (UMR 5506). Its general objective is to to create a framework to turn agronomy and biodiversity data into knowledge -semantically described, interoperable, actionable, open– and investigate scientific methods and tools to exploit this knowledge for applications in science and agriculture.

Web site: http://www.d2kab.org

Smart Enseigno

Participant : Catherine Faron Zucker.

Partner: Educlever, Ludotic, Cabrilog, IFE

As a follow-up of the EduMICS project, the Smart Enseigno project started in September 2019, led by Educlever. It is funded by the Ministry of National Education (MEN), within the Programme des Investissements d'Avenir (PIA2), action Partenariat d'innovation Intelligence artificielle(PI-IA) (https://eduscol.education.fr/pid29713/appels-a-projets-numeriques-des-investissements-d-avenir.html) (https://primabord.eduscol.education.fr/P2IA). This project aims at developing resources and intelligent services within the Educlever platform for secondary school mathematics education.


Participants : Elmahdi Korfed, Fabien Gandon.

The DBpedia.fr project proposes the creation of a French chapter of the DBpedia database. This project was the first project of the Semanticpedia convention signed by the Ministry of Culture, the Wikimedia foundation and Inria.

Web site: http://dbpedia.fr

Convention between Inria and the Ministry of Culture

Participant : Fabien Gandon.

We supervise the research convention with the Ministry of Culture to foster research and development at the crossroad of culture and digital sciences. This convention signed between Inria and the Ministry of Culture provides a framework to support projects at the cross-road of the cultural domain and the digital sciences.

Qwant-Inria Joint Laboratory

Participant : Fabien Gandon.

We supervise the Qwant-Inria Joint Laboratory where joint teams are created and funded to contribute to the search engine research and development. The motto of the joint lab is Smart Search and Privacy with five research directions:

  • Crawling, Indexing, Searching

  • Execution platform, privacy by design, security, ethics

  • Maps and navigation

  • Augmented interaction, connected objects, chatbots, personnal assistants

  • Education technologies (EdTech)

We released the final, but confidential, report of the Qwant-Culture short-term project. This project aimed at identifying possibilities of exploiting the Qwant search engine to improve the search for information in the digital cultural resources of the French Ministry of Culture. Some possibilities have been selected to be the subject of research actions in the context a long-term project.

GDRI Zoomathia

Participants : Catherine Faron Zucker, Franck Michel, Andrea Tettamanzi.

Wimmics is a partner of the International Research Group (GDRI) Zoomathia funded by two CNRS institutes: INEE and INSHS. This group aims at studying transmission of zoological knowledge from Antiquity to Middle-Age through material resources (bio residues, artefacts), iconography and texts.

As a continuation of the work initiated with the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) during the last three years, the TAXREF-LD linked data dataset, that we produced jointly with the MNHN, now appears in the Linked Open Data cloud (http://lod-cloud.net/) and is published on AgroPortal (http://agroportal.lirmm.fr/ontologies/TAXREF-LD/). Relatedly, we have reflected on modelling principles for biodiversity Linked Data  [63].

Web site: http://www.cepam.cnrs.fr/zoomathia/